Thursday 17 February 2011

Day 11,791: Introductions, justifications and trite apologies

Hello. So this week, finally, after all these years, the Rock is returning to Wrestlemania and on a less baby oil saturated note, I have finally started a blog.

If I'm honest, I have always regarded blogs with a mixture of elitest amusement and an even split of irritation and pity.Very very few people have  that much happy flipping joy joy going on in their lives that we need to hear about it. In exacting detail. Every day. 365 days of hair brushing, bill paying, dental flossing with the occaisional smattering of romance and passsive agression vomited out there for the world to see. Even journalists covering the revolution in Egypt only updated their blogs when they had something valid or interesting to say. Bearing in mind they were in the middle of a battle zone, the majority only updated once to three times a day. I don't care where you are in the world or what you are doing there, your year in the rainforest in the Amazon studying the new species of winged turtle or what ever it is you found there, can't be that stimulating if you still find yourself hunched in front of a laptop every night going "Dear blog...." can it? Added to this, the dawn of social netwoking had magnified this level of more than slightly self important dross. Now with the advent of Twitter,Facebook
ve day to day apathy in glorious stereo. Oh and look! you can install it as an app on your phone! You can now tell us exactly how little is going on in your life every minute!

I still firmly believe in all the above. I am not that arrogant to think that my life is this seat of my pants ride that everyone in interweb land is going to slavishly follow. Oh and if you're expecting me to throw in a twist here like pregnancy, cancer, curing AIDS etc., that will make all this in someway nobe I'm sorry. My reason for starting all of this is actually far more simple and selfish and it is this:
My brain has started to atrophy.

I can feel it. Well,as a matter of fact I can't which is a symptom of the problem. Any deviation from normal day to day patterns of thought or any extension of my imagination requires levels of effort that would put the most dedicated Olympic athlete to shame. So this is an attempt  kick start the grey matter again and to get rid of the flies which are buzzing around me, and yes, I do mean that in a literal sense. Almost. It will be updated in a haphazrd sexy dangerous pattern which loosely translated means when I feel like it, and if you do have the misfortune to find yourself referred to somewhere in it, I promise to give you a sexy soapstar name like Dstiny Rhinestone Goodyear V. Or something.


  1. Can I reserve that destiny rhinestone name for myself?

  2. A shiny penny if you make it to day 12,500 ;-)


  3. retrospect, I mean if the blog survives that long, not doubting your ability (zombie apocolypse aside) to endure ;)

  4. Welcome to the darkside, child. Welcome....
